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To BPW International Executive Board

Item number

2008-2011 triennium

Name and Position: Lesha Witmer, Chair

plans and proposals including progress report nr. 3

Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee 2008-2011

Purpose: to …

• BPW International applies for accreditation for UNFCCC

o approved – emails 8 March + 8 April 2009 – accreditation in process

should BPW become a member of the gender/ women constituency of UNFCCC?
Mandate is given to the SC to speak on BPW behalf on the basis / within the framework of the resolutions approved by Congress in Melbourne, Lucerne and Mexico (attached)
The water taskforce be continued as a working group/ expert group of the Standing Committee and chaired by the Chair of the SC environment & sustainable development
Have a dedicated webpage on the BPW International website to report on activities of the SC environment & sustainable development (and others offcourse) and the water Taskforce
The SC now maintains two “groups” on the BPW international website and publishes regularly
compensate CO2 emission of travel by the Executive (SC to assist in finding the right scheme)

Look into a voluntary scheme worldwide for CO2 compensation of BPW members travels

Participate in the CoNGO CSD NGO Working Group on Climate Change
Elisabeth Vanardenne participates on a regular basis in the working group meetings and its activities in New York, chaired by Philo Morris (Medical Mission Sisters)

Recommendation: that

• BPW continue its membership of the World Water Council and nominates candidates for the Board of governors o approved – emails and documents 9 and 23 March 2009

BPW stood for election for the Board of Governors, but was not elected. The lobby for more women governors, lead by BPW, resulted in 7 women getting elected (out of 35 – 5 more than last time) and one women for the first time was elected to the Bureau.)

Rita Assogna is a member and coordinator of the water taskforce/ expert group on water and as such also serves as delegate to Women for Water partnership
Regional coordinators and organisers regional conferences make arrangements to compensate CO2 emission from travel
Reports and plans from standing committees are exchanged / send to all chairs to be able to coordinate activities and advocacy / policy
Contact has been made with the Chair of the SC agriculture to work together.


Resolutions were passed in Lucerne and Mexico regarding the focus and activities of the SC and the Taskforce. They call for involvement of women in climate change and water issues and set out a basic policy on the subject (see attachments)

Looking at “women power”, the activities of the last few years and the direct link between climate change (adaptation) and water, it seems logical to “merge” the two and combine forces to some extend.

Key points, achievements to date:

The SC and the taskforce assist in initiating and give expert advise to different BPW federations and groups and will continue to do so.

BPW and other members of women for water, together with other women’s organisations formed a women & gender coalition for the World water Forum 5 in Istanbul this March; different women participated as speakers, panellists etc. during the Forum: see and

BPW Turkey was one of the co-organisers of the preparatory meeting for the World water Forum on the 14/15 March 2009; during the working conference itself the Turkish Women and water alliance was formed that will continue its work on water issues. ( see websites:;

Especially the water Taskforce will give them support where needed.

One of the outcomes was a joined statement by the women’s organisations present: and the joined press release:

BPW Moldova is involved in the activities around the implementation of the Water& Health protocol, especially in Eastern Europe:

This project is financially and otherwise supported by the Dutch government and Women for Water (WfWP). A simular project will start in the second half of 2009 in the Ukraine.

Moldova applied for a grant from WfWP for a project in a village on water supply; this grant was obtained. ( http://www.bpw- &lang=en )

BPW st. Petersburg has started a pilot project on eco-sanitation last year; this summer it will be decided how to continue. (see: on&trefwoord=Petersburg)

BPW Ecuador is involved in lobby groups regarding preventing (government un-controlled) privatisation of water sources and gave input to the Constitutional Committee of Ecuador on right to water, protection of water sources, etc. They managed to get an article in the new Constitution on the protection of natural resources including water. They follow up the implementation.

Since the Water Taskforce has been advocating for the right to water & sanitation and the ratification of the UN watercourses Convention, the SC and taskforce will liaise with BPW Ecuador on the subject and exchange info and lobby points.

BPW Canada in 2006 adopted a resolution against the use of bottled water without real necessity. We will see if they and we can follow up on that.

More info on “bottled water”:

BPW Brazil is continuing the Trees for life project (attached and on the BPW website); Yara Blochtein has submitted a funding proposal (no result known yet).

Two issues to discuss where placed on the website (also to see how reactions are):

Future plans

The SC will look into and actively start promoting activities and awareness raising about climate change issues and what that means for women in particular.

The SC and taskforce/ expert group will keep lobbying for the recognition on the Right to water & sanitation (basic services) and the ratification of the UN Watercourses Convention 1997. The SC will probably participate in a working group of UNESCO and the World Water Council on the Right to water.

SC will prepare a brief and recommendations on chapter K of Beijing PoA for the CSW / Beijing +15 in 2010.

A good first step would be to look into (voluntary) schemes for CO2 emission compensation in the framework of international BPW activities.

In the framework of the agreement signed by Women for water and the European water partnership ( BPW federations will be / get involved in the Europe-wide Aquawareness campaign and the “water dialogues (WaDi) ” ( Interest so far has been expressed by Arad (Romania); Marseille, France; Verona and Perugia, Italy; Spain, Austria, Danube Network and Munich, Germany.

The program ideas will be part of the workshop on environment, water and lobbying, to take place in Brussels in cooperation with the Regional Coordinator for Europe in January 2010.

The first link to the triennium theme has been established.

2009 – Power to Make a Difference through Leadership

A first brainstorm by email has taken place, also with the Chair of the Taskforce; the SC will try to compile a list with highly visible women in environmental issues:

1) Identify about 20 women leaders in various fields in environment; to be identified by SC members with respect to different specific fields (three for each) regarding environment.2) Write up a short description about their contribution through their leadership. 3) Promote them & their contribution through various channels – jointed effort with the Taskforce. Furthermore, BPW will participate through Women for Water in the to-be-developed Women in Water Leadership program together with IWA (international water Association)

2010 – Power to Make a Difference through Action

2011 – Power to Make a Difference through Advocacy


The SC and Taskforce will make use – where possible – of the grants-system provided by Women for Water; to date BPW is preparing a grant application for the preparation of the “Aquawareness” program and workshops in Europe and one for maintenance of the website and translations of documents etc.

Together with Women for Water and EWP (European water Partnership) a grand application for the Aquawareness program and specifically the “Water Dialogues” has been submitted to EU LIFE+ fund (starting September 2010).

Conversations are under way – together with Women for Water – to get additional funding from CoCaCola for the Aquawareness campaign.

The SC will ask one of its members to look into additional funding for the other activities.

Communication: The SC will report, give news, and start debates via the websites: webpage on BPW international web and water WebPages (already in existence (hosted by Women for Water). Apart from that the SC strives to have members of the SC and the expert group/ water taskforce participate in the regional conferences and – where possible – conduct a workshop.


The SC aims to work together with other women’s organisations and ngo’s to achieve its goals and share the workload. Internally: SC Agriculture; SC Health and SC UN are the most likely BPW committees to try and collaborate with on different occasions (see also below). Reports and plans from standing committees to be exchanged / send to all chairs to be able to coordinate activities and advocacy / policy.


Memberships: Women for water Partnership; World water Council

Alliance / working with: VAM Foundation (; Soroptimist International;

Alliances/ partnership to be investigated: NGO Committee on the Status of Women task force on Climate Change ; Gender CC (; IWA (; UN Interagency Taskforce gender & water; GPPN (;


To CSW / Beiijng + 15: t.b.d.

To CSD: chair (also as UN rep. of BPW); SC members and interested BPW members To WWC: chair; Rita Assogna as alternate

To WWF: Rita Assogna (note: chair serves as elected steering committee member; term ends 2012 after re-election last July 2009).

To others (especially in other regions: to be decided, also depending on appointments SC members)

International events to date are one of the “guidelines” for the work of the SC: 2009:

February 25 – 27 2009: New York, USA: CSD IPM

LW participated (see full report on website and send to presidentsoffice)

March, 14 – 22 2009: World Water Forum and pre-conference women & gender Coalition/ WfWP.

BPW Turkey co-organiser pre-conference; BPW Water Taskforce to participate as part of the Women for water delegation and activities. Info:,

A joint declaration was published as a result of the conference and the recommendations on gender-disaggregated data were presented (see website)

May, 4 – 15 2009, New York: CSD 17 . Info

Lesha Witmer participated also as member of the Dutch government delegation. Eva Richter and Elisabeth Vanardenne participated in some sessions and side-events as well. See full report on website).

May, 18- 20 2009, Moldova: Water & Health Protocol working conference. co-organised by BPW Moldova and Women for water Partnership. Info. July, 7 -9 2009, Amsterdam, NL: General Assembly Women for Water. BPW delegates participated..

August, 16 – 22 2009: World water Week, Stockholm, Sweden.

Lesha Witmer participated and was also keynote speaker for the joined side-event with SACIwaters (India) and NetWwater (Sri Lanka) on careers of women in the watersector

September 22 2009 : Rotterdam, NL: LW gave a guest-lecture at the Polytech Rotterdam to students of the “Smart Energy” course on the CSD, lobbying and advocacy for that kind of issues etc.

September 29, 2009: Helsinki, Finland: LW was one of the keynote speakers for an event and briefing on water – food – public catering in the Finish Parliament and hosted by the Minister (sheets available).

October 15 – 16 2009: Marseille, France: General Assembly World water Council

Lesha Witmer participated (see above) and met with BPW Marseille; some ideas for a workshop in Marseille in March 2010 in the framework of the kick-off of the preparations of the World Water Forum 6 in Marseille in 2012.

December, 2-4 2009: Geneva : RIM CSD18 meeting December, 2-4 2009, Singapore: World Toilet summit and Expo

December, 7 – 18 2009: Copenhagen, Denmark: COP 15, climate change Conference. More info on involvement of BPW will follow.


Aquawareness workshops to be decided.

January, 23 – 24, Brussels: workshop on environment, climate change and water and lobbying February/ March 2010: New York CSW and Beiijng +15

SC will prepare a brief and recommendations on chapter K of BPoA.

March, 2010, Bermuda (North America regional conference): workshop on water & climate change: what should BPW (women) do? info to follow. Participation is open to all BPW members

March 2010: Marseille, France: workshop, possibly together with Soroptimist Marseille on water and climate change (adaptation) (t.b.c.)

May, 2010: New York, USA: CSD 18 + Marrakech process 2010/2011 (

May 2010, ?? (Asia Pacific regional conference): workshop on water & climate change: what should BPW (women) do? info to follow. Participation is open to all BPW members.

July, 5-7 2010, Sydney, Australia: IWA International Young Water Professionals Conference (together with Young BPW) (tbc)

September 5 – 11, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden: World Water Week

November, 2009: ?? (Latin America regional conference): workshop on water & climate change: what should BPW (women) do? info to follow. Participation is open to all BPW members.


February, 2011: New York, USA: CSD IPM

May, 2011: New York, USA: CSD 19 + Marrakech process 2010/2011 (

June, 17-21 2009, Helsinki, Finland (27th BPW Congress): workshop on activities/ issues re. environment & sustainable development & water.

August, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden: World Water Week

Start preparations for events in 2012:

CSW theme: The empowerment of rural women, in relation to climate change and food security (together with SC Agriculture and SC UN)

World water Forum 6 (Marseille)

Rio +20/ Johannesburg + 10 (Brazil?) (together with SC Agriculture and SC Health)

Other plans and regional activities will be developed as soon as the members of the SC and Taskforce/ expert group have been appointed.

Attachments: list and number:

Documents regarding UNFCCC and WWC: in your possession – see above

Resolutions BPW (1996-2008)

Report CSD-IPM and CSD 17 (in your possession).

Author’s contact details: Lesha Witmer: (only when travelling) Skype: lelie-bmw

Cell: +31 653 391309 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +31 653 391309 end_of_the_skype_highlighting