During the first semester of the 2015-2016 study in the educational system thatcher have reported 4951 cases of violence against children produced in family, school or community. The number of cases of violence according to data collected from institutions of general and vocational-technical education is increasing, the fact that we sensitize NGOs and the Ministry alarms.
Most cases – in 2494, refers to physical violence, the other in 1246 – to emotional violence, and in 1112 – to neglect. Meanwhile, during the reporting period, there were 72 reported cases of child labor and 27 cases of sexual abuse.
In this context, in period September-December 2015 educational institutions have been notified bodies with responsibilities in child protection at the local level – 736 serious cases of violence against children.
However, there is a growing trend in the number of cases identified and notified by the responsible legal adult to child growth and development. Thus, of the 4951 cases recorded in the first half, about 3563 cases were reported by teachers, non-teaching staff of institutions and parents, and the other in 1421 – by children.
Increasing the number of cases of violence against children show the need to train managers and those responsible for protecting children and preventing abuse towards them from all schools of general education and technical professional. Benefit from more training in identification and referral of cases of abuse, neglect, exploitation and trafficking of children.
The procedure for identifying and reporting cases of violence by employees of educational institutions is part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent and combat violence against children in Moldova