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Promotion of ECO detergents in households to reduce the chemical pressure on water.

During the training ( 29.06.2018) (inside the project 2018 ) “Promotion of ECO detergents in households to reduce the chemical pressure on water, where approximately 40 people of different ages participated, and different professions and gender, the public has been informed that detergents are toxic and harmful, both for the human body and for the environment, especially the water, the aire, etc.

The target group was mostly women, although men participated in the training. Women are generally the most sensitive to water quality issues and are the most important detergent consuming.

Experts in the field who made presentations mentioned as with the use of harmful detergents, appear different cancerous, allergic diseases, as well as diseases of the liver, bones, etc. They were brought concrete examples of toxic, harmful. It explained how the products can be damaged, what kind of certifications they are.

It talked as detergents ECO can relieve the pressure on the operation of municipal wastewater treatment plants.

The specific objectives of of training: Raising awareness of some key players in order to reduce surface water pollution at the sub-basin waste water and aggressive chemicals. The basic purpose as much population to be informed and involved in activities to advocate for detergents ECO. After the public was informed, everyone will have to conduct a training information in his locality. As will be various public campaigns for promotion, exhibitions and other activities.