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Women and Democracy: Report from the Press Conference

Association of Professional Women from Moldova started the first awareness campaign on February 19 with a conference that focused on “Achievements and Possibilities of women in Moldova.” While a keynote presentation by Ryan Daniel, Peace Corps Volunteer in Moldova and expert in Women and Democracy matters, shared and confirmed the success that women are having in America, panels entitled “Walking the Leadership” and “Navigating through Interpersonal Conflict” suggested the challenges women still face in today’s tough business environment. In this special section, we covered ideas about women leadership and a second part on “Black Sea Trust and Democracy.” In addition, we included coverage of a talk on awareness and leadership given by Angela Chicu, President of Association who talked about the ongoing project funded by Black Sea Trust and the possibilities it will offer. Third part of the conference included questions from audience, guests and mass media.

Some sequences of the Press Conference were presented on evening News of Moldova National TV channel. In this way, people were able to find more about this campaign and say their suggestions. Next day promotional materials appeared in several local newspapers.

b. Determination of the final list of Estonian experts and the most women suitable, according to the project goals. (February, March, April and May)

Working strategies

In the months of February and March we started a network and online chatting and online meetings with Estonia regarding the project partners and participants. We created a strategic plan of the network. The strategy plan seeks to provide a clear purpose and directions for the next two years. It will be used to determinate the impact and outcomes of the network as well as define and distribute responsibility of all partners of the project including and possible new partners. The plan will provide the framework for the dissemination of the project outcomes and development of the national policies in non-formal adult education for disadvantaged women.

The 2 months of conversation provided experience in collaboration with partners from abroad. The discussions concerned the following issues: which rights women in Estonia have versus rights of Moldova women. Which trainings should be done in both countries for trainings on female entrepreneurship? Such activities offered the new solutions, which are to be discussed in Estonia in June. Potential steps for women success will be discussed.

Activities: We created the strategic plan with the purpose of ensuring gender equality in the labour market, promoting better co-operation and understanding among the adult education organisations in Europe working with women’s employment issues, and developing a training system with the lifelong learning perspective to foster active citizenship and enhance employability for unemployed and socio-disadvantaged women. The initial objectives of the network activities will be planned to extend by promotion innovation in learning provisions for women. This will include collection of seminars that will increase women’s capacity to play a full and active role in society; an additional part of the mobility-training program will be created. This part will concern the promotion of women’s human rights and facilitation of women’s participation in the monitoring and reviewing of the State’s obligations regarding gender equality policy in the labour market and in social life.

We plan to discuss in Estonia our set up strategy and the potential sustainable ideas after the project is terminated.

c. Ticket procurement:

Future Study Visit in Estonia

Association of Professional Women from Moldova has planned together with partnering organization QUIN-Estonia to provide a seminar in Estonia, Tallinn for Moldova Women.

Conference is planned on June. But taking in account the deviation of $ on the Moldova Market place, and the monthly growing prices for flights, our organization booked in February the flight for June to Estonia and back for 3 representatives from Moldova.

d. Administration and coordination of the project

Team building strategies and work with forum

Our team group has performed a great success since the project began. We have increased our group 5 more volunteers joined our activities. During the press conference our team members created a forum and discussed different matters on solving the gender and women status issues as stated in the successful news story:

During this forum the participants shared the ideas on Women Status of different countries. They stated that the discussion about Woman Status and their possibilities made them be involved in the new activities with such matters and join the Association of Professional Women from Moldova. The participants confirmed that during the discussions with other countries they realized that with sharing experiences they have support and they are not alone in the matter.

e. Organization of the Round table meeting in Moldova

Round Table (May 17, 2008)

Women who attended had an opportunity to share their secrets of success, their experience, networks and advice to inspire each other and help grow their business dreams.

The cost of the round table was free for participants, because the support was provided by “Black Sea Trust Fund’ and “Association of Professional Women of Moldova”. It began at 8 a.m. and run until 2 p.m.

The event started with our moderator and expert Michelle Miller:

Speech: Good day everyone! In these days – women all over the world – give birth, grow their children, cook, do laundry and housekeeping, work in the gardens and factories, teach in schools and universities, are great leaders in business and parliament.

More than 50% of the world consists of women. But they meet constantly different obstacles.

Definitely, nowadays and worldwide it is considered that if a women is healthy, educated and intelligent – this will lead to the progress of their families,

If women were lucky not to face violence in their life it is already happiness. Their families will keep healthy life styles, too!

But once our women will have same opportunity as our men do, being equal partners in business and society, that will make the whole society progress in a democratically way!

And if our women will feel safe in our society, being respected and supported, our community will face a great progress!

Each woman has the rights to manifest her potential! That’s why we are here today!

My name is Michelle Miller and I am Peace Corps Volunteer from America here in Moldova. And unfortunately, even today in USA in our days if we refer to the statistics of Labor Department in USA, women earn only 78 % comparing to man wages. In Moldova, the report provided in the CEDAW evaluation form says that women wages comparing to men are only 71, 9 %.

Thank you for coming and participating in this Round Table in the framework of “Women Promoting Awareness of Civil Society and Democracy” Program, started by Association of Professional Women from Moldova (APWM) with the financial support of Black Sea Trust Fund.

Today we will gain a special experience! We want today to participate actively in our discussion and we hope that you will receive good and useful advice for your future career. Our goal today is to encourage and promote women rights as well as support our status in this society.

Today we are glad to see our guest experts from various fields. They are going to explain us which steps should they go through in order to get a successful career.

Our experts are:

Angela Chicu – President of the Association of Professional Women from Moldova
Larisa Caraman – chief of police, superior inspector
Valentina Dimitriuc – Marketing Director, Eurolife Moldova
Maria Mocanu – Consultant
Tamara Papana – vice-mayor of Cahul district
For the beginning I would like to hear your stories on how you became a women leader in your communities having such a great professional experience?

Questions, discussions:

Thank you very much for your presentations and now we offer the possibility to our audience to ask questions if interested in more detailed information.
Which difficulties have you faced in your career? And if so, how din you go through?
Do you have advice for those that want to have a successful career and a family life at the same time?
What is the secret of your success?
Have you had a mentor that guided you through, supported and encouraged you through your career?
Closing up:

What was the biggest achievement in your life?
Thank you very much for participation (Flowers for Special Guests)

Now, before following to the next stage, please enjoy our coffee break with snacks.

f. Evaluating of the results of the Round table meeting in Moldova.

Report on the Moldova Round Table Meeting for Professional Women
The main focus of the agenda for the Round Table Meeting was (1) to provide a strategy for the Moldova Networking with NGO QUIN-Estonia meeting on Women that are Promoting Awareness of Civil Society and Democracy, June, 2008 and to consider the follow up activities especially in relation to the project Funded by Black Sea Trust; (2) to discuss information on the status of women; (3) to discuss the National Problems of Women Barriers in achieving their goals (4) way for low-income women to escape poverty and achieve economic stability

Present report highlights the ideas and information generated by the participants of the Roundtable. Other issues provide a solid starting point for ongoing discussion and action on this important issue.

Round Table Meeting
The Round Table Meeting was able to cover a full agenda and achieve a number of commitments from APWM. Significant issue was the need to reach women and girls early in the educational process to change stereotypes and perceptions about occupational choice.

We have found over the discussions that girls tend to have very little information or awareness about women status other than what is provided through role models in their families and communities. We need to help women, from their young age understand that the world of work is for everyone and every person can do any job that they choose to do.

Thus, the NGOs presented at the discussion suggested that it would be a good support if the trainings provided by APW of Moldova would of support in principle of Democracy and women status in society as well as raising self-esteem in girls at the earlier age. Another point was that more awareness through books and booklets should circulate further information and documentation related to this issue.

Outcome: Hands-on activities are important in teaching that. Thus APWM set up as a goal to translate before semminars begin the material provided by some networking women organisations. Thus the book: „Empowering Women Worldwide“ is going to be translated and edited both in Russian and the state language, which is Romanian.

Barriers that participants identified included women’s lack of knowledge about women and the possibilities they have as well as perceptions of employers and labour groups that women are unsuited to perform certain jobs.

Participants noted that the opportunities jobs include the ability to earn a living wage, good benefits, flexible hours and the potential for advancement. Workplace attitudes towards women have changed, according to participants, and there is less overt discrimination than in the past. But problems remain, ranging from issues such as gender — where male-dominate over female dominated occupations. Such a lack of preparedness of women for business ownership only encouraged us to continue the advancement of women in our democratically society.

Areas for further consideration

These insights and information we provided and also deduced from the round table will help us guide further initiatives and identify necessary next steps that will encourage women to consider traditional employment. The following areas have been identified for further consideration:

ensuring continued opportunities for women and minorities to participate in trainings
encouraging the receptivity of apprenticeship programs and the trades to women;
promoting non-traditional employment as an option for low-income women and women transitioning from public assistance to work;
supporting non-traditional employment training programs;
studying the needs of the women and workforce and supporting and help women balance work and family responsibilities,
Promoting gender equity in career education.

g. Completing training materials for Moldova. Translation (Romanian or Russian)

„Empowering Women Worldwide“ – a book on translation that will be available in our further activities

“BPW International” – Booklets

“Black Sea Trust, QUIN-Estonia and Association of Professional Women of Moldova promoting the partnership” – Guide Booklet