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With such generic training was organized for women on september,2018 , who are women-mayors, of the Local Public Administration, organized by BPW Moldova with generous support of BPW International and BPW Europe. Although often speaks about the great progress achieved on the road to dictatorship (until 1990 in Moldova, the former Soviet period) to democracy (from 1991 to the present), our daily reality shows us that reality is another.

There is a great discrepancy between women and men. Women have more school in recent years (about 58% of higher education graduates this year are women). However, the areas for which they are preparing give lower social status and less money, leading positions, even if they are majority in the branch, are more than men. As a result, wage gaps are higher: in the case of pensions, they are even higher because the difference is accentuated by the fact that women interrupt more often than men, to raise and raise children, and therefore have lower contributions. About these and other aspects of our everyday realities, we discussed our training with the mayors who came from several districts of Moldova.

The training allowed women to express their opinions, drawing on the experience gained. Each participant presented personal success story.

Another activity, workshop, was organized in Chisinau. Workshop was entitled: “Women can and should be actively involved in the local elections in 2019 to engage in business. ” Workshops were attended by women entrepreneurs who already have their own business, and who are going to open. The target group had a very useful combination, because during discussions or exchange of views. Significant milestones have been mentioned in the deal. The young generation usually insists that it knows the shades of the business well, but when the experienced ladies came, they persuaded them, especially as they knew our legislation well.

During the workshop, a hand-made exhibition was organized. Women gladly exhibited their works and have sold products personally. At the end there were many requests to organize such trainings, because women had the opportunity to become acquainted with each other, to exchange business cards and even to exchange experience. But I was happy to see more women they came to workshop with Equal Pay Day bags, which were from previous projects. They said they wear mainly by transport for to see men.