On 27th February to 1st March, 2018. in Partnership with Arigatou International’s End Child Poverty Initiative and its Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), The First Children’s Embassy in the World –MEGJASHI (FCEWM) organized workshop End Child Poverty and Child Violence Project in Skopje, Macedonia.
The aim of regional meeting:
1. Build momentum to implement targeted commitments arising from the GNRC 5th Forum
2. Develop a relevant community mobilization and advocacy strategy to address child poverty and violence against children
3. Strengthen the GNRC network and cooperation with in the region
This project will bring together 30-35 GNRC members and partners from 10 countries; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Romania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia; and Arigatou International staff from Kenya, to develop a relevant community mobilization and advocacy roadmap to address child poverty and violence against children.