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On 14th – 15th June, in Kyiv took place an ABF Training “International Leadership Academy”, dedicated to Study Circles, led by Lina Jaderberg (Sweden), Kim

Soderstrom (Sweden), Iulia Mickiewicz (Belarus), Andrej Stryzhak (Belarus). Fifteen participants form 3 different countries, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia, actively participated at this training. The BPW Moldova was presented by Andreev Olga, the educational project coordinator.

ABF standsfor Arbetarns Bildningsforbund (the Worker’s educational As-sociation, of the WEA). This Association tries to reduce the widening gaps in society. The ABF is a politically independent organisation, but they share the values of the labour movement. Democracy, diversity, fairness and equality are the foundations of their operations. According to them, all people have equal value, that all people can learn, and they can impact society. Everyone should have the opportunity to gain the knowledge to influence their own situation, as well as local and global development. A study circle is a simple way to get together for learning purposes. It is inexpensive, and requires no previous knowledge. Organizations that aim to effect change are in constant need of new skills, inspiration and methods in order to know which path to take.

“Everyone should learn something new every day, even if it is just a little word. That’s what makes life worth living.”

Study circle participant