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On May 18-20, 2009 BPW-M presented a case during the Working Conference “From policy to practice: developing sustainable water and health projects for Moldova” which took place in Chisinau in the Palace of the Republic. The conference had a positive impact on citizens of the village Horodiste. That was possible due to the support provided by the Dutch Organization Women for Water Partnership (WFWP). (more…)

Within the project’s framework we identified the sources of water, but most importantly we tested the quality of water in the locality. As a result of this research we can state that the debit of the water and its availability in the area suffices the necessity of the population.

As a result of the tests performed, it was found that the quality of water contains up to 10 times more flour than allowed by the current standards of the Republic of Moldova.

Taking into account this worrisome situation BPW-Moldova started to look for solutions at experts from different national and international organizations who would be able to propose some solutions for the created situation.

Due to this reason in December 2009, the President of BPW Moldova traveled to the Netherlands in order to discuss with Lesha Witmer about the possibilities of improving the water quality. As a result of the consultations it was agreed that it is necessary to install a system of filters also the potential suppliers of such filters were identified. After a short calculation considering the solution found the expenses of the project increased up to 600-650 euros from 300 thousands earlier. The Original financier of the project “The European Greens” rejected the new modified budget. BPW Moldova started to look for other sources of funding and had several meetings with different donor

Currently we identified two sources of financing, one being the Moldova Social
Investment Fund and other is Regional Development Fund from Moldova.

Hopefully in the nearest future will be finalized the negotiations with the co-financiers. BPW-M wants to identify the construction companies which have experience in this field and nominate the general contractor for the construction. We believe that soon we will reach the completion stage of this project and local residents will benefit from a centralized source of qualitative water which meets the current standards enforced by