The aim of the project is to contribute to the formation of civil society based on close relationships between various ethnic minority groups in the Republic of Moldova that will help mitigate the possibility of potential interethnic frictions and assist ethnic minorities to better integrate into the Moldovan society.
The project’s main objectives are the following: to promote the Council of Europe’s fundamental values, such as human rights, diversity, tolerance and experiences in the field of multiculturism and interculturism; to teach young people to preserve cultural diversity, to protect the rights and freedoms of ethnic minorities, to cherish the civic virtues and the good tradition of coexistence; to oppose the young people to the language of hatred, xenophobia, prejudices, inflexibility, and all forms of ethnic intolerance; to create the conditions that facilitate and encourage the use of minority languages, both orally and in writing, in public and in private life; to develop in young people the culture of peace, tolerance and multiculturism; to encourage promotion of multicultural values, inter-ethnic tolerance and rights of ethnic minorities; to demonstrate by example and teach young people how to speak out appropriately when people make inappropriate remarks about members of a particular culture or nationality; to familiarize young people with domestic legislation and international agreements relating to ethnic minority rights; to enhance links among different ethnic minority groups of Moldova and harmonizing interethnic relations between minorities through promoting tolerance among juveniles; to familiarize young people with the culture and traditions of nations that live in Moldova; to encourage the mass-media to re-affirm the tradition, culture and languages of ethnic minorities on the local territory.
Edineț region – Increasing the Level of Tolerance among Youth and Integration of Young Ethnic Minorities, 2011
21 May 2011 – Workshop focused on such European fundamental values as human rights, cultural diversity, tolerance and experience in the field of multiculturism and inetrculturism.
The purpose of the workshop:
– to ensure the understanding of the concept TOLERANCE as a basis of a democratic civil society;
– to contribute to the development of the understanding of TOLERANCE as a value of modern mankind;
– to ensure the understanding of such concepts as multiculturalism, interethnic conflict, xenophobia, discrimination, prejudices, social exclusion, stereotypes;
– to examine and discuss the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
1. Ice Breaker – The ice breaker involved small groups activities, such as drawing and explanation of the emblem of the tolerance. Active games give the participants an opportunity to rest from mental work and get positive emotions from physical exercises.
2. Role playing games – represent an imitation of the real activity and are aimed at learning in artificial conditions social relations and models of behavior. The Role playing game is the most interesting and principal method of learning of social reality and a means of self-expression. The game allows the participants to improvise, entertain, rest, independently find solutions, and to rejoice at communication and results.
3. Brainstorming: “Be a tolerant person means be…”. There are two ways of development of a person – tolerant and intolerant. The intolerant way is characterized by low level of education, predominance of the feeling of discomfort to live in the surrounding reality, willing to have power and material security by any means, intolerance toward contrary opinion, traditions and customs, etc.
The other way – is the way of a person, who knows himself/herself well, fells himself/herself comfortably in the surroundings; who understands other people and who is always ready to come to the aid, who has well-wishing behavior toward other cultures, views, traditions, etc. The trainer writes down all the answers and than discuss them.
1. Leaflets: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Forms of Intolerance, Dictionary of Tolerance, What is Tolerance and Why We Need Tolerance?
2. Photos, which reflect tolerance
Proverbs about tolerance and brotherhood.
28 May 2011 – workshop focused on how to preserve multicultural values, promote inter-ethnic tolerance and protection of rights of ethnic minorities
The purpose of the workshop:
– to familiarize the participants with the rules of tolerant communication;
– to contribute to the development of tolerant thinking, respect toward their rights and rights of other people;
– to familiarize the participants with the history, customs, holidays, rites of Ukrainian nations that reside on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
1. Ice Breaker – “Tree of tolerance”
2. Brainstorming – The qualities of tolerance
3. Role playing game – “A friend in need is a friend indeed”
4. story telling – Chinese parable “Good family”.
1. Leaflets: “Tolerance/Intolerance”, Historical background of Ukrainian people, residing in the Republic of Moldova, Culture and traditions of Ukrainian people, National costume and national holidays of Ukrainian people.
Stand of Tolerance.
18 -19 June 2011 – Training course on promotion of inter-ethnic tolerance and promotion of rights of ethnic minorities
The purpose of the training course:
– to familiarize the participants with the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, European Charter of regional and minorities languages;
– to contribute to formation of the culture of peace and inter-ethnic communication;
– to give the participants the possibility to assess the level of their tolerance;
– to cultivate the feeling of respect toward each other, toward customs, traditions and culture of other nations.
1st day:
Exercise1: Characteristics of tolerant and intolerant person
Purpose: to elaborate the characteristics of tolerant and intolerant person
Exercise2: “What we have in common”
Purpose: to demonstrate the participants that in spite of the fact that we have many things in common, we are different
Exercise3: What does Tolerance mean?
Purpose: to give the participant the possibility to give the best definition of the concept “Tolerance” and to show the multiple-aspect of the tolerance.
2nd day:
Exercise1: likenesses and differences
Purpose: to form positive attitude toward likenesses and differences of others
Game: “Magical store”
Game: “suitcase”
Purpose: to create positive feedback of participant by the end of the training course.
European medal of tolerance, Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, European Charter of regional and minorities languages.
Essay: “To live in peaceful world means to live in tolerant world”
At the festival there was held an exhibition of showcases “Council of Europe through the eyes of Moldovan youth”, “Council of Europe and the Republic of Moldova”; of traditional embroidery, national costumes, needlework “Ce Pot Face Mînii de Pace”; proverbs in three languages
Also at the festival young people were performing national dances and songs.
Comrat region
29 July 2011 – Workshop focused on how to speak out appropriately when people make inappropriate remarks about members of a particular culture or nationality
The purpose of the training course:
– to familiarize the participants with the rules of tolerant communication;
– to familiarize the participants with such phenomena as discrimination and xenophobia;
– to familiarize the participants with the history, customs, holidays, rites of Gagauzian nations that reside on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
Game “Snowball” – applied in order to facilitate the familiarization of participants with each other;
Game “unravel the tangle” – the game is applied in order to put the person into a situation, when he or she falls into a new team, group, etc.
Exercise on trust. All participants make a cercal, in which stands a person with closed eyes. The purpose of the exercise is to make the person standing in the cercal trust the people that surround him or her. Discussion after the exercise.
test “define the level of your tolerance”;
Exercise “features of a tolerant person”;
Presentation “Tolerance”; Democracy and Xenophobia (Compass); Historical background of Gagauzian people, residing in the Republic of Moldova, Culture and traditions of Gagauzian people, National costume and national holidays of Gagauzian people.
Task: emblem of Tolerance
13 – 14 August 2011: Workshop to familiarize young people with the domestic and international agreements relating to ethnic minority rights
The purpose of the training course:
– to familiarize the participants with the Law on rights of persons, belonging to national minorities, and on the legal status of their organizations of the Republic of Moldova;
– to familiarize the participants with the Law on functioning of languages on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
– to familiarize the participants with the Law on the legal status of Gagauzia;
– to familiarize the participants with the Declaration on race and racial prejudices;
– to familiarize the participants with the Declaration on human rights, belonging to national or ethnical, religious and language minorities;
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
The 1st day:
Exercise “All equal – all different”. The purpose of the exercise is to address the universality of human rights; to make participants aware of ethnocentrism and prejudice in themselves and others; to develop the ability to read information critically and independently;
Exercise “Do we have alternatives?”. The purpose of the exercise is to develop knowledge and understanding about the causes and consequences of bullying; to explore ways of confronting the problem; to create empathy with the victims of bullying;
Exercise: “Path to Equality-land”. The purpose of the exercise is to develop understanding and appreciation of the goals of equality and gender balance; to develop imagination and creativity to envision the future; to promote justice and respect.
The 2d day:
Exercise “Take a step forward”. The purpose of the exercise is to promote empathy with others who are different; to raise awareness about the inequality of opportunities in society; to foster an understanding of possible personal consequences of belonging to certain social minorities or cultural groups.
Exercise “The language barrier”. The purpose of the exercise is to raise awareness about discrimination by immigration authorities in relation to asylum applications; to demonstrate the importance of both language and intercultural education;tTo develop empathy through being aware of the frustrations refugees face when applying for asylum.
Law on rights of persons, belonging to national minorities, and on the legal status of their organizations of the Republic of Moldova;
Law on functioning of languages on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
Law on the legal status of Gagauzia
Declaration on race and racial prejudices;
Declaration on human rights, belonging to national or ethnical, religious and language minorities.
10 September 2011 – Workshop to oppose people to the language of hatred, xenophobia, prejudices, inflexibility, and all forms of ethnic intolerance
The purpose of the training course:
– to familiarize the participants with the human rights;
– to familiarize the participants with the term democracy;
– to familiarize the participants with such forms of intolerance as hatred, xenophobia, prejudices, inflexibility
– to familiarize the participants with the main principles of tolerance.
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
Exercise “Who are I?”. The purpose of the exercise is to be aware of our own individuality and that of others; to identify what we have in common with others; to promote solidarity and respect;
Exercise “Work and babies”. The purpose of the exercise is to develop knowledge about women’s reproductive rights; to attempt to make participants appreciate what it feels like to be discriminated against; to promote equality, justice and responsibility
Taraclia region
1 – 2 October 2011. Training Course “to develop in young people the culture of peace, tolerance and multiculturism”
The purpose of the training course:
– to ensure the understanding of the concept TOLERANCE as a basis of a democratic civil society;
– to contribute to the development of the understanding of TOLERANCE as a value of modern mankind;
– to ensure the understanding of such concepts as multiculturalism, interethnic conflict, xenophobia, discrimination, prejudices, social exclusion, stereotypes;
– to examine and discuss the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
The following methodology was applied during the workshop:
The 1st day:
Exercise “I was called, I am called, I will be called”. Conclusion: All people want to be treated respectfully, but to get this people should understand other people, feel their mood, try not to offend other people.
Discussion “We all are different but we have many things in common”. We all live in society, we are surrounded by people and we must learn how to live in peace and harmony.
Exercise “likeness and differences”. A person is judged by his/her profession, by the way he/she builds his/her relations with the family and people, surrounding them. People are different, their culture also differ. Alienation and hostility toward other culture is widespread phenomenon in our life. This phenomena appear due to the fear of uncertainty. May be it is easier to live in a world, where all people are similar?
The 2d day:
Game “I consider that…”.
Compose the definition of TOLERANCE.
Leaflets: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Forms of Intolerance, Dictionary of Tolerance, What is Tolerance and Why We Need Tolerance?
15 october 2011. Round table: “Linguistic diversity as a means of political and cultural dialogue in the Republic of Moldova”.
The purpose of the round table
– to enhance links among different ethnic minority groups of Moldova and harmonizing interethnic relations between minorities through promoting tolerance among juveniles.
Within the round table there were approached such issue as tolerance in the modern Moldovan society. A special attention will be paid to demonstration of hostility toward national minorities, living on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The participants presented reports and statements on language situation in the country, as well as information related to topical problems of studying Ukrainian, Gagauzian and Bulgarian languages in higher education institution of the Republic of Moldova.
The round table was attended by representatives of main ethnic minority groups, Office of inter-ethnic relation of the Republic of Moldova, Institute of cultural heritage, and journalists.
4 November 2011. Round table “The New Generation Chooses Tolerance”
The purpose of the Round table:
– to encourage the mass-media to re-affirm the tradition, culture and languages of ethnic minorities on the local territory.
The participants of the round-table discussed the books, which focus on inter-ethnic relations, tolerance toward the representatives of different nationalities. Also they approached the problems of formation and development of tolerance in students of higher education institutions, as well as means of creation of conditions of integration of representatives of ethnic minorities in the political and social life of the country.
The speakers of the round table were: an expert of the Office of Inter-Ethnic Relations of the Republic of Moldova, an expert of the Institute of Cultural Heritage, professors, and journalists.