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On october 2015, Association of Professional and Business Women participated on the round table held by Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul” “ Women Entrepreneurship: difficulties, policies and actions”. The event was organized within the project “Raising awareness on gender balance in the political and business sphere”.

The aim of the talks is to raise awareness of policy makers and business representatives on promoting gender balance. The conclusions and recommendations of the meeting will be included in a policy brief that will be distributed to public authorities, civil society, international partners, media etc.

“Also in the project, we intend to develop a monthly newsletter through which we identify and promote success stories of women in the economic, opportunities, and obstacles they face. We intend this program to raise awareness and to sensitize the opinion of decision-makers, and to combat stereotypes that women can not conduct business. For this reason, we intend to highlight positive stories, success stories that can serve as a model”, explained Carolina Ungureanu, Project coordinator.

“In society there is still the stereotype that men belong to the business world. A woman faces several obstacles in launching and managing a business, compared with men. We have good policies in this area, but there is no political will to be implemented. However, the discriminatory attitude reduces the courage and the initiative of women to start a business. Currently, in Moldova just 27% of women are entrepreneurs, predominantly in hotel services, education, agriculture and less present in the transport and construction, where men dominate”, highlighted Viorica Antonov, Project manager.

Dorin Vaculovschi, professor at ASEM has addressed the issue of migrant women and how this affects the entrepreneurial process. “So far, unfortunately, migrant women opened their business in a smaller number than men. Women prefer to choose care work, thus creating stereotypes that claim that women make less plus economic value than men. With the promotion of gender equality we will change the business concept which will become more human, more qualitative and less aggressive”.

Liliana Postan from the Labour Institute made a review of the situation of women engaged in work, noting aspects of maternity, paternity and the retirement age. “The opportunities are equal for both working women and for the entrepreneurs. Until 2024, we have to implement six of the 38 EU directives into national legislation to eliminate discrimination in employment. Because we still have a difference in the remuneration for women and men”.

Iulia Iabanji, ODIMM director, presented the opportunities of launching a business, providing examples of success stories. “About businesswomen is talking for many years, both nationally and internationally. However, the problems are the same as statistics, there are very few changes at the policy level, which are rather declarative and not implemented”.

Raisa Bejan, Executive Director of Sugar Producers Union, believes that “we must change the mentality of society, for men to be more involved in raising children to provide opportunity for woman to be more professionally active. Another problem is that employers prefer to hire men to leadership positions and less women”.

This event is held within the project “Raising awareness on gender balance in the political and business”, implemented by IDIS “Viitorul” with support of the project “Support of National Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (INPPDO), according to UN Committee on Conventions and Recommendations and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)”, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by United Nations Development Programme in Moldova (UNDP) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).