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On 02.06.2020 Association ended the support caravan for children and adolescents, who study at a distance during the period of COVID-19.

This help was achieved with the generous support of GNRC Arigatou International End Child Poverty.

In each family we talked about the organization, about its goals, in which countries it works and what it does. Children need to know who helps them at a distance.

Although the families which we visited are poor, with many children, I want to mention that all children learn well, they are very hard working, they have good grades in school. There were different families: with 3 children/ 4 family; with 10 children/ 2 family; with 2 children/1 family (without parents, raised and educated only by the grandmother) ; 4 children/3 family. At the same time, among children in a family, a child has Daun syndrome In another family a child with locomotors disabilities.

Most families are Christian / Orthodox. One family was of the Baptist religion, One family was of the evangelical religion.

The children were selected by the school director. In every family in the district and village we were accompanied by school director, social worker, village town hall worker.

Every family (children but also parents) asked me to send you words of thanks!!!!!

Thus, in this way we thank you from the children who received the tablet, from the parents, from the teachers, from all those who accompanied us.

1.Orhei district, Peresecena village Iacob Natalia, cl.VIII. In this family are 2 children, educated only by grandmother.

2. Baptist family from Orhei. 10 children. Cristina Burdianov, cl.X

3. Hanceti district, Bobeica village. Nina Placinta, cl IX, laureate of painting competitions, she has several diplomas. 3 children in this family

4. Hancesti district, Lapusna village, Malic Dumitras, cl.IV , in family are 3 children, raise children only mother.

5. Ungheni sity, Struc Ana-Maria, cl.VII in family are 10 children.

6. Ungheni municipality, Duminica Carolina, cl. VI, in this family are 3 children, mother with locomotors disability, raise children only mother.

7. Leova district, Iargara village, Dan Bacalu, cl. IV., in this family are 3 children, the same only with the mother, they have very modest living conditions

8. Leova district, Tomai village, Erica Dintiu, cl.VI, in this family are 4 children, father has cancer, mother has a disability, In the photo is the school director and the psycholog.

9. Glodeni district, Cajba village, Tincu Madalina, cl. VII, The best student in the class. Live in the damaged house. In this family are 4 children (two of whom are twins aged 1 year and 6 months)

10. Glodeni district, Balatina village, Jitariuc Marius, cl. VI. There are 3 children in this family. Dad is unemployed because of his disability. Mother works as a help educators in kindergarten, they don’t have a computer in the house. Only mother has a simple phone without programs.