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On April 04 2014, the city of Dubrovnik was the host of a highly important event with the goal of achieving gender equality in entrepreneurship and solving social and economic problems that affect economy at national and regional level. The event in question is the First South East European Women Entrepreneurship Trade Fair, organized by the Gender Task Force (GTF) in the framework of the FCEM World Committee, co-hosted by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce Dubrovnik -Neretva County and the Croatia Association of Business Women KRUG. The Fair took place on April 04 at the ValamarLacroma hotel in Dubrovnik, Croatiawhere participated BPW Moldova to.

More than 100 participants attended the Fair, among of which are women entrepreneurs and representatives of women business associations and chambers from 9 countries included in this Project (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Turkey) plus representatives from Bulgaria.

The Fair is a part of a regional project “Women Entrepreneurship: A Job Creation Engine for South Eastern Europe”, implemented by the GTF and funded by the Swedish Development Agency (SIDA), with the aim of: Promoting best policy practices in women entrepreneurship in line with the Small Business Act for Europe and capacity building of national and regional women entrepreneurs’ networks and associations.