On 14-17 June, 2017 representatives of BPW Moldova participated at the Conference in Serbia, Novi Sad, “Business on High Heels”. More than 300 business women and men participated at this meeting. The speakers represented different fields of business. All presentatios were very informative, they included personal strories of success and the recipes of business organization.
Dr. Evelina Parvanova mentioned that business women in the whole world should be supported, the first step towards international status is already done.
Ana Kirilova: “We are very impressed by the organization of this conference and I wish you success in all your fields of activity.”
Speakers told about personal and professional development, confidence, psycological obstacles, solutions, motivaton and other important things for business development. There was organized an exibition of products and all the participants could test and try everything and receive additional information.
The Conference was very well organized and all the participants had the possibility to ask additional questions to the speakers during the short coffee-brakes. It was very important for building business relations and contacts.