It is well known that there are a large number of socially dep ri ved and homeless children in Moldova, particularly in the cities. Many of these are cared for in large institutions of various kinds and such children do not have much experience of family life.
During our exploratory visit to Moldova in August 2002, we visited several such institutions where we met staff very dedicated to the care of the children entrusted to them. However, we identified a need for staff to be better informed about the current theories and information available in respect of the needs of children.
We expect to draw trainees from existing child care units e.g. kindergarten; school; internat as well as the APWM proposed Crisis Centre.
The aim of the project (first training cours, summer 2003; second training cours, summer 2004) is to provide information and exchange ideas with Moldovan staff working with socially deprived children, based on the UK knowledge and experience of similar work. In the initial eight day training progra mme proposed, we will look at the issues of child development; child care needs; child protection; the integration of children in society; and the importance of family life.
We anticipate that this teaching will support the work of the proposed Crisis Centre and also help workers from other agencies to gain a better understanding of the needs of socially deprived children.